It is more than likely that you have got multiple items of loose promotional literature for your business, from business cards through to data sheets, leaflets and more. When you go to see a prospective client do you find yourself juggling with a mass of paper at the door, dropping some as you go? This doesn't look very organised does it?
The use of a company presentation folder, in either A4 or A5 can be massively beneficial in such situations, allowing you to not only keep the documents all together for transportation, but it also means you can hand over one professional looking package at your meeting. Presentation folders don't have to look dull either, the graphic design used in them can be creative and unique resulting in a memorable and professional looking marketing tool.

At Destylio we specialise in designing items such as presentation folders, in a visually effective manner.
Here are just a few reasons why a presentation folder would be very useful for your business:
1. Make an impact
As mentioned above, when you leave a potential customer you want to rest assured you have made a great impression, which is not going to be achieved by leaving them with a bundle of loose and easily lost literature! By handing them a custom designed presentation folder, branded with your image and finished with a nice laminate you are portraying class and quality from the outset. You can have your presentation folder designed exactly to suit you, so why not include a business card slot too so that your contact details are nicely stored for them?
2. Brand promotion
Like anything that contains your branding, a presentation folder is an advertising vehicle for your business. Using any way possible to spread awareness of your business and its services is key.
3. At a glance insight into your company
There is often plenty of room on a presentation folder to list your services, information about your company or other details that will also inform people more about you at a glance too. A double sided folder is recommended, this increases the available space even more!